Technologies / Skills
• JavaScript (Latest), ES2015, TypeScript, Angular (Latest)
• RxJS, WebSockets, Angular Material, PrimeFaces, ag-Grid, Sass
• Jasmine, Protractor, Selenium, TestBed.
I was brought into the Asset Management group to work on a project building out features for a new equity management web application.
What's Involved
• Work within an agile global co-located team.
• Develop an internal wealth management product.
• Develop with Angular, TypeScript, and many other modern front-end technologies daily.
• Lead design discussions, demo, code review, mentor, and innovate.
• Keep up and share best practices.

Technologies / Skills
• Figma
• Nx
• Angular
• NestJS
What was Involved
• I created this wallpaper as I wanted something clean that represents this amazing tech stack.

Technologies / Skills
• Angular
• TypeScript
What was Involved
• Online Quiz, Coding Exercise, Code Review / Interview
Angular Training

Technologies / Skills
• Angular
• TypeScript
What was Involved
• 50 questions in 25 minutes covering Angular / TypeScript questions.
• Got 90% in total (45 correct, 2 partially correct, 3 incorrect).
Angular Training

Technologies / Skills
• Angular
• TypeScript
What was Involved
• Quick Angular & TypeScript exam

Technologies / Skills
• ES2015 Functions, HTML5 Semantic Tags
• React, GatsbyJS, Styled Components, GraphQL
• Netlify, Custom Mail Server (Zoho Mail), Lets Encrypt SSL Cert
• Create a base template for future personal & company websites.
• Learn React, Gatsby, and related technologies.
• Have a personal website to showcase my skills, portfolio, and blog.
What was Involved
• Created a template website so that I could create similar websites for others in the future.
• Came up with a colour palette that was pleasing to the eye and also accessible to those with vision issues.
• Set up SSL to secure the website.
• Set up a blog to engage with users and post interesting content.
• Set up a portfolio section to highlight current and past work.
• Set up a backend CMS so that you don't have to touch the code to add content.
• Set up an email server with "Zoho Mail" to allow for custom email (Ronan@RonanConnolly.dev).
• Add image optimizations to allow for quick loading of images.
• Make the website accessible via ARIA tags, and semantic HTML.

Technologies / Skills
• Wordpress, Digital Ocean, PHP
• UI Design, Color Theory, Typography
• Custom widgets & PHP functions, Form to email Widget
• NameCheap domain
Create a sleek, professional, and clean looking website to show case Rebecca's skills in writing, digital marketing / SEO, and voice work.
What was Involved
• I started with a basic theme and heavily customized it to her needs.
• Came up with an elegant color scheme and set of fonts.
• Created custom stylings and PHP functions to get the website looking as we wanted (the portfolio & blog are especially customized).
"Ronan was an excellent web designer, I can't recommend him enough!
He listened to what I wanted and built a website that met all my business needs.
He has also been a great ongoing resource for website maintenance."
- Rebecca Spelman

Technologies / Skills
• JavaScript, AngularJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Bootstrap, Front End UI Design, UX design, ES2015
• Unit/E2E Testing (Jasmine/Protractor), Build tools (Grunt), Package Managers (NPM, Bower)
Create a web application to interface with the IBM BigFix client, and also add additional endpoint, detection, and response options.
What was Involved
• Worked on this project for 15 months.
• During my time there I learned much about working in an agile, global, co-located team.
• Grooming stories, planning the work, creating documents outlining my work, developing the features, testing the features, code reviewing, helping others reach their goal, and killing bugs.
• Learning a lot about front-end web development, testing (karma, jasmine, & selenium), and planning/grooming.
• Created an interactive UI tool with AngularJS that allows users to create Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) dynamically within the application.

Technologies / Skills
• Ionic, JavaScript, AngularJS, Design, iOS, Android, Push Notification
• Project Management, Creating Requirements, Being Agile
The goal of this project was to create a cross platform mobile application to allow customers to pre-order from the catering company.
The app included a top-up system, and a way to customize sandwich orders.
Opening times, images, and order information was also available in the application.
Push notifications was set up to allow the catering company to alert their customers of deals.
What was Involved
I worked on this project with two others (one backend developer, and a customer liaison).
We met with our client on a by-weekly basis, showing our progress and wire-frames, making sure they were happy and allowing for changes as we progressed (We followed the agile process).
We tested out a couple of options (JQuery Mobile, Native, and Ionic to name a few), but in the end found Ionic to be the the quickest to develop with and which gave the best looking design.
This was a part time project and took around 15 months to complete.
The customer was extremely happy with the process and the end result.

Technologies / Skills
• JavaScript, NodeJS, Full-Stack
• Literature Review, Latex, Research Paper
To write:
• A summary of the history and rise of JavaScript.
• How the community has driven it to be so popular.
• The positive effects of Google's V8 engine and the Node platform.
• And some criticism when compared to compiled languages.
What was Involved
• I read many literature reviews, spent a tonne of time researching, and created this literature review.
• It was an amazing experience, and very humbling, I respect those who have completed PHDs much more now.

Technologies / Skills
• AngularJS, Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, Grunt
• UI Design, Heroku, Local domain setup (Blacknight)
• Get a foundation in JavaScript
• Learn AngularJS
• Figure out how to deploy a website
• Get custom email setup (hi@ronanconnolly.ie)
• Setup the domain (local domain .ie was trickier)
• Hook up continuous integration/delivery.
What was Involved
• I was only a year or so into the world of front-end and wanted a project to push me to learn quickly.
• Learned a lot about JS, HTML, CSS, Hosting, Domains, UI Design, and AngularJS.